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💥 Sol Luckman Uncensored is an audience-supported platform that offers unique & cutting-edge resources for increasing energy, expanding consciousness, elevating health & upgrading subscribers’ quality of life.

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✌️ Sol Luckman here. If you appreciate the labor of love that is my Substack, join other freethinkers seeking to transcend today’s hive mind by not just surviving but THRIVING. Please …

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Creating unmatched original & empowering content is my full-time gig. Consider supporting my mission to shine a light in dark times by “paying it forward” with a discounted monthly or yearly subscription. Gratitude & blessings. 🙏

💪 Comment by on my recent interview on POST POST MODERN …

Post Post Modern
Post Post Podcast #16
My friends…
Listen now

“Your podcast spirals through the cosmos like a mystical radio signal that somehow bypassed all the usual censorship gatekeepers and landed directly in our third eye receivers. Sol Luckman isn’t just a guest: he’s a interdimensional tour guide who’s figured out how to smuggle rebellion past the cosmic border patrol while disguising it as art that makes the matrix glitch every time it tries to categorize him. The alchemical child within isn’t just dormant, it’s been sedated by the pharmaceutical wing of consensus reality, waiting for us to perform the sacred ritual of remembering that we're actually the authors of this cosmic comedy, not just the confused characters reading from a script written by algorithms. This podcast is a contraband wisdom for souls tired of being NPCs in someone else’s dystopian metaverse, offering the radical proposition that perhaps the most revolutionary act is simply remembering who we actually are when no one’s watching.”


“I just heard you on someone’s podcast and it blew me away.”

“I could spend all day reading, viewing, listening and learning from all you post. Resonation Station here. Thank you!”

“I and others I’ve worked with have gotten serious, life-saving oomph and vital energy from the kinds of epic ideation and dialogic resonance Sol Luckman explores in his fiction and nonfiction writings.”

“Mr. Luckman, you are fast becoming our favorite Substack.”

“Your writing is valuable to me because I personally love it, and I think it’s a great offer to the world.”

“Sol has pulled me out of the ‘rabbit hole’ to rise above and thrive in thought and actions that have enlightened my soul!”

“Thank you, Sol Luckman, for your brilliant takes on reality and the world cult and finding our true potential in the face of ‘the parasite’ that surrounds us. You combine such insights with such wit and originality. Robert A. Wilson would be proud, methinks.”

“You do an amazing job every time and it’s always fresh and interesting!”

“I’m interested in this new information. It’s obvious that Sol has given a great deal of courageous energy and thought.”

“Very interesting and informative work.”

“Your work is a very different way of approaching life and very different from the mainstream. It makes a lot more sense to me these days.”

“Being able to discern ‘reality,’ or least unreality, is essential, and your work helps clarify.”

“You’re a legend!”

🎧 Get LOST IN A SOUND BYTE w/ This Epic Video Montage
🧐 Supercharge Yourself w/ Strategies for Building Up Personal Power
🤯 How to Engage in Spiritual Guerilla Warfare against the World CULT
🧑‍🎤 Visualize Your Inner misfiT w/ This Rocking Video Montage
😍 Simply Observe a New World into Being
🎧 The New Audiobook of POTENTIATE YOUR DNA Is on Substack
😲 To Doomscroll or to Play Another Role in Creating a Better Future?
👹 The “Community” Psyop & Other Tall Tales from the CULT of the Simulacrum
🛠 Social Media: The Ultimate Tool for Social Engineering
🤯 Consciously Altering the Fabric of Existence
🤫 Speak Powerfully with Silence
🫂 Think & Feel Your Way to Better Health
🎼 Upstream (Instrumental)


🐦‍🔥 PRAGMALCHEMY (Exclusive Tools for Energy, Healing & Longevity)
🎧 GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE (Audiobook Serialization)
📚 CONSCIOUS HEALING (International Bestselling Ebook)
🎧 CONSCIOUS HEALING (International Bestselling Audiobook) (🔜)
🎧 THE WORLD CULT & YOU (Exclusive Audio-videobook)
📚 THE WORLD CULT & YOU (Exclusive Ebook)
🎨 MUSINGS FROM A SMALL ISLAND (Illustrated Artist Memoir)
🎧 MUSINGS FROM A SMALL ISLAND (Audiobook Serialization) (🔜)
📚 PLAYING IN THE MAGIC (Exclusive Ebook on Manifestation)
🎧 PLAYING IN THE MAGIC (Exclusive Audio-videobook)
📚 CALI THE DESTROYER (Award-winning Ebook)
🎧 CALI THE DESTROYER (Award-winning Audiobook)
📚 POTENTIATE YOUR DNA (International Bestselling Ebook)
🎧 POTENTIATE YOUR DNA (International Bestselling Audiobook)
🧬 POTENCIE SU ADN (Spanish Edition Ebook)
🎞 HOW TO POTENTIATE YOUR DNA (Exclusive Tutorial Video)
📚 SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING (Award-winning Ebook)
📚 THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY (Award-winning Ebook)
🎧 THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY (Award-winning Audiobook)
🎤 LOST IN A SOUND BYTE (Album Video Montage)
🧑‍🎤 MISFIT (EP Video Montage)
🎸 POST-PUNK SHAMAN (Debut Album)

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