
🪦 RIP ... Death?

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“The Hero of a Thousand Red Pills, Sol Luckman has had an invaluable influence on awakening consciousness and dispelling false realities. GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE is a rewarding and useful map for the hero’s journey.” —Miguel Conner, author, THE OCCULT ELVIS

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✌️ Sol Luckman here. If the below snippet from the Intro to my new self-help book to end all self-help books tickles your fancy, or if it merely intrigues, request your free Advance Review Copy while you still can. ⏳


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📝 📝 📝 And last but not least, to my fellow authors …


💥 INTRODUCTION: R.I.P. … Death? (Snippet)💥

Opening the Doors of Perception

It’s hardly surprising that one of the most iconic and bestselling musician biographies of all time, and the first (of a veritable “Spanish Caravan”) written about the Doors front man Jim Morrison, was titled NO ONE HERE GETS OUT ALIVE.

The lyric is a line from “Five to One,” a perennial fan favorite penned by Morrison but credited officially to the Doors—and it has stuck in my mind (as it has in countless others over more than half a century since its 1968 release) like a splinter, to reference the movie THE MATRIX that also figures prominently in this book.

When I was living in Paris in the early 1990s, I became obsessed with Morrison, and not just his music but his often macabre poetry as well. This was shortly after the release of Oliver Stone’s uber provocative rock biopic that put to shame all other rock biopics, THE DOORS.

As a birthday present, my girlfriend gave me a bilingual copy of THE LORDS & THE NEW CREATURES, Morrison’s first volume of poetry replete with dark meditations on sex, celebrity, drugs, and (of course) death.

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While riding the Metro, sitting on the steps of Montmartre and sipping espresso at cafés, I found myself reading it alternately in English and the French translation to capture more and more nuances of Morrison’s cryptic, multilayered thought.

Jim had died in Paris and was buried in the city’s famously lovely necropolis, Père Lachaise Cemetery. His grave—which once featured a stone bust with his big hippy hair made by a Croatian sculptor and stolen in 1988—was, and still is, a literal shrine to many tourists, fans and hipster locals making rock ‘n’ roll pilgrimages from near and far.

Practically as controversial in death as in life, ever since his untimely demise in 1971 that rocked the rock world, Morrison has lingered in a sort of public half-life.

Simultaneously, he has been an inspiration for counterculture and music lovers; a nuisance for Parisians fed up with the incessant drinking, smoking and carousing that have turned his grave into an eternal party; and a would-be prodigal son to his home country, where a Florida politician bizarrely (and unsuccessfully) sought to have Jim’s final resting place relocated to his birthplace, the Space Coast!

My girlfriend—call her Kate—and I regularly visited Morrison’s final resting place, and often partook in the festivities, which I must admit were exemplary displays of Dionysian behavior … if inevitably a regretted hangover source.

Filled with more cemeteries, church crypts and bone-lined Catacombs than you could shake a Gauloise at, Paris invited an ongoing meditation on the afterlife. Like HARRY POTTER’s Myrtle without the moaning, I regularly found myself contemplating the seeming inevitability of death.

And then one overcast Parisian winter afternoon half a decade later, when I was back in town visiting a new girlfriend, while standing in front of Morrison’s grave strewn with flowers and cigarette butts yet again as if no time had elapsed and nothing had changed, the doors of my perception (hat tip to William Blake and Aldous Huxley) suddenly burst wide open when a still small voice inside me asked this simply disarming question:

“Does no one here get out alive?”

Might There Be an Alternative to Death?

That splinter of a question would ever after irritate my gray matter with a curious itch I couldn’t scratch.

Known as the Lizard King, a double-edged epithet if ever there was one, Morrison was infamous for his fascination with all things shamanic and mystical, an interest that undoubtedly informed his own obsession with mortality.

Not long after my last visit to Paris, suffering from a mysterious and debilitating autoimmune illness with elements of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, I embarked on my own healing journey through the valley of the shadow of death.

I’ve written extensively about this “shamanic” phase of mine in my second book on the Regenetics Method, POTENTIATE YOUR DNA. Regenetics is a powerful sound healing technique that ultimately restored my health that I developed with my life partner, Leigh. I’ll have a great deal more to say about this work in relation to the critically important subject of energy preservation and cultivation in a later chapter.

During this transformational period, as I sought to heal my wounded body, mind and spirit, I began extensively studying shamanism, mysticism, alchemy, physics, epigenetics, and many other disciplines. This information slowly but surely wove itself together into a very different conceptual fabric from the comparatively more “normie” one to which I was accustomed.

Out of this novel inner tapestry emerged my initial book on Regenetics, CONSCIOUS HEALING, in which I first examined the “fringe” notion that there might just be an alternative to death and dying.

In my most recent book, THE WORLD CULT & YOU: YOUR PLACE IN IT & YOUR WAY OUT OF IT, in which Regenetics played a comparatively minor role, my questioning of death’s unavoidability went even deeper.

This book you’re reading is a continuation of that examination with a new and vastly expanded emphasis on shamanic and alchemical concepts and processes that have everything to do with the most straightforward—and maybe only—way of getting out of here alive.

I’ll clarify exactly what I mean by “alive” in due course. Trust me, it’s pretty cool, even if it may not be exactly what you expect. For the time being, let me assure you that the territory I’ll cover offers an absolutely fascinating vista into the Undiscovered Country of the beyond.

Long before discussing the ultimate (and optional)  Hero’s Journey into the Great Unknown, however, the material I’ll be sharing through much of this book is designed to improve your life today in a myriad of subtle and not-so-subtle ways—even as your consciousness is prepped for much greater possibilities of worldly transcendence.

Copyright © Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

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