🌊 The Hero’s Journey past the Dragon, through the Shadow & into the Dark Sea of Awareness

Chapter 1️⃣ of the EXCLUSIVE Audiobook Serialization of GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE


Preface & Introduction
1️⃣ Chapter 1 (You Are Here)
2️⃣ Chapter 2 (🔜)

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In this deep dive into inner alchemy, shamanism and energy medicine, bestselling author and renowned sound healer Sol Luckman addresses mortality head-on ... and shares a nondogmatic solution to this “problem” that will shock and inspire you!

You don’t need to create your inner Philosopher’s Stone and “get out of here alive” to benefit massively from the author’s wisdom.

You don’t even have to practice the potent techniques he teaches for recovering energy, erasing trauma, and restoring mind-body-spirit health.

Uniquely and elegantly, this book will upgrade your life in the here and now by empowering you to …

* Simplify your existence

* Digital-detox your mind

* Maximize the power of silence

* Procrastinate your way to creativity

* Connect with the superpower of your uniqueness

* Establish a beneficial relationship with your shadow &

* Follow your bliss on your own Hero’s Journey to wholeness and authenticity

🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 5-STAR REVIEWS …

“The Hero of a Thousand Red Pills, Sol Luckman has had an invaluable influence on awakening consciousness and dispelling false realities. GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE is a rewarding and useful map for the hero’s journey.” —Miguel Conner, author, THE OCCULT ELVIS

“Luckman illuminates a path of alchemical transformation for healing our wounds and unlocking our full potential as conscious co-creators of reality. This empowering and inspirational book unveils the shamanic secrets to transcending the illusion of death and manifesting our highest aspirations … [R]eaders are invited to step through a magical portal beyond life’s apparent boundaries and embark on the ultimate hero’s journey—a profound inward adventure toward self-realization and spiritual freedom.” —David Jay Brown, author, DREAMING WIDE AWAKE

“This is a singularly important work, and one that warrants a second read soon after the first to fully capture its essence. I found it a most timely book of encouragement for these dark days. The author offers a superb theoretical and practical exposition of transcendence, drawing on philosophy and physics, poetry and pop culture, and synthesising them to highlight what exactly ought to be pursued through the methods of alchemical and shamanistic transformation.” —Gregory Figg, author, ENGINES OF ASCENDANCY

“Weaving together threads of esoteric wisdom, cutting-edge science, and transformative spiritual practices, Luckman offers a revolutionary blueprint for transcending the boundaries of mortality […] This book is not merely a guide—it’s a conversation with the cosmos, an invitation to unlock your highest potential, and a masterclass in the art of becoming more than human.” —Laurence Galian, author, ALIEN PARASITES

“Sol Luckman’s writing never fails to compel me toward my fullest, truest life energy. His books activate my capacity to seek out my own core sourceness. GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE is exemplary of this […] This book will require you to ask yourself serious questions about the nature of the world and your place in it. It will invite you to choose to live more vividly and know yourself more deeply.” —Megan Elizabeth Morris, INTUITIVE PUBLIC RADIO

“There is a lot to unpack in this book; its innate positivity and many included useful references and techniques offer neophytes and the more experienced traveller some useful insights, while encouraging your own experimentation and individuality. Sol beautifully weaves a plethora of concepts and authors into a complex but achievable journey of inner-space growth.” —William Bullock, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

“This work stands out for anyone who needs a new outlook on modern life and technology or wants a guided method for self-introspection.” —Entrada Publishing

“Next level healing. This was a great book with many tools to empower yourself and have more energy to thrive in this reality.” —Misshellbreaker, HUMAN LIGHT BULBS

“In his inimitable way, Sol shows how to better understand and navigate our way through ‘reality’ via a synthesis of quantum physics, alchemy, shamanism, and literature. This, in turn, leads us to recognize that we are actually tricked into living a certain way […] Fortunately, Sol also offers us solutions, sharing exercises and activities we can use to protect ourselves and our energy […] An excellent, mind-expanding book.” —Dawn Lester, coauthor, WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL?

“Rebelliously refreshing […] A generous and digestible offering of essential wisdom and practical guidance for those following the call to go inward.” —Jacqueline Rendell, POST POST MODERN

“I highly recommend this book to all fellow consciousness explorers! It’s excellent and will challenge and encourage you. I was encouraged and will be contemplating the wealth of information shared for a long time. I love the practicality and usefulness of the information.” —April Novoa, author, LOVE IS, FEAR IS NOT

“I really enjoyed this quick read. It has great tips for detoxing from digital media and being true to oneself […] I highly recommend this, and Luckman’s other books, to anyone searching for healing and clarity in our complex, modern age.” —Janet Merran, author, TOP 40 HONEYPOT

“This book is a powerful reminder to break free from the distractions and to start honoring what truly nourishes us. It’s a call to wake up, to stop feeding into the chaos, and to reclaim our power—the power to choose what we create and to rise above the noise of the easily manipulated, outer-influenced brain work. Don’t get lost in the noise of the mechanical operating system brain—learn what it means to become the shaman who fearlessly goes inward.” —Shan Beaste, Sound Healing Therapist

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