
📚 “One of Those Rare Books That You Will Want to Reread Again & Again”: CALI THE DESTROYER https://solluckman.substack.com/p/one-of-those-rare-books-that-you Enjoy This Glowing Professional Review of the Winner of 8 Literary Awards

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Hi Sol, I just finished reading Potentiate Your DNA and absolutely LOVED it. I’ve emailed a facilitator who lives just a few short hours away from me in Byron Bay Australia and am waiting to hear back from him. In the meantime, I have a question or an assumption or my higher self is ‘kicking in’ LOL. I’m working on ‘knowing’ which one it is but, would it be right to say that the fragmented body would no longer be fragmented when/if I choose to reincarnate? I would be ‘arriving’ in the next life time already whole to a degree? Not sure why I suddenly feel silly asking this ,I guess the ego is kicking in too LOL

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I really appreciate the feedback, Rainey! You know, as far as reincarnation goes, I'm trending toward a more shamanic understanding that rather than having sequential lives, we actually experience simultaneous ones ... Having said that, with the interconnectivity implied in shamanism, by healing the Fragmentary Body here, you might be doing so in other timelines as well ...

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Hello Sol! I am new to this platform so I am not even sure that my comment is for the right post😂. But I am sure it will reach you.

THANK YOU! I am so happy I can finally express my gratitude directly to you, here, although I could have done it via email, somehow here it feels more ‘direct’

The Potentiate Your DNA method changed my existence on so many levels that I could write a book about it! And it’s still changing intrinsically with it. 🙏🙏 Conscious Healing also had a huge impact, I made my final paper when I graduated the nursing school on these two books, and all I can say is that I really stirred sh** up on the final days of school. On the last day, I was called into the principal office to be offered a teaching job there and literally kicked out of the school an hour later😂😂. I guessed during that hour the news of my paper reached the principal’s ears. It was all for the best because a month later the lockdown came.

Anyway, to make it short, becoming very conscious of various frequencies around me, (I am committed to feeling more and thinking less) and listening to Aeon’s podcast yesterday I realized that I was hearing your voice for the first time and it was a joyful realization! And my treacherous mind whispered inside my head ‘If it’s really his voice’ 😂.

I can’t wait to dive into all your conversations with mind-like people!

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Great to have you here, Ada! That's incredibly kind of you on, as you say, so many levels! Gratitude and kudos to you for stirring the proverbial stuff up, even though it meant some unpleasantness. So many people would rather hurt someone, including themselves, before causing a stir. Hope you enjoy your experience here! 🙏 🙏 🙏

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💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 Check out this POWERFUL new review of several of my interrelated books by Countrybumpkin at https://solluckman.substack.com/p/gratitude-to-all-who-grok-my-message/comment/44768080?utm_source=activity_item ...

I read CALI THE DESTROYER ... a couple of years ago. I was mesmerized, engrossed, entertained, enlightened, and warned ... I've known for a very long time about the fraud around medicine, disease, government, and more recently our "reality." However, reading CALI I was privy to an entirely new way of thinking about a few things and reread parts of it in order to fully grasp the meaning and implications. What a joy to read! I felt that SNOOZE was also just as enlightening and entertaining, if ... a bit sad and heartbreaking at times. (I tend to really connect with the characters and their feelings and emotions, adding in some of my own.)

And now, having read THE WORLD CULT & YOU, the enlightenment continues. It's refreshing to see Sol's progression and to ride along with him. I can't recommend these writings enough.

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Review of THE WORLD CULT & YOU by April Novoa


When most people think of cults, they think of Jonestown, the Branch Davidians, NXIVM, the Church of Scientology, and so on. We tend to judge people who fall prey to organizations like that. We don’t consider for a moment that we might be vulnerable to the same kind of mind control and manipulation. Most fail to understand how fragile the human mind is. They may not understand how deeply influenced they may have become. As a result, even with the best of intentions, they might behave in dogmatic, harmful, and grossly unskillful ways that are not of service to themselves, or others.

In THE WORLD CULT & YOU, Sol Luckman does not shy away from exposing how insidious and covert cult leaders and cultist ideas are. They hide in plain sight and in all sorts of groups and systems most would never expect. This book is a wake-up call and provides a road map to reclaiming human sovereignty and agency. It diagnoses the disease and provides a cure. That is a rare thing indeed! If you want freedom, true freedom, I highly recommend that you read this book.

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🫢 The Full EXCLUSIVE “Documentary” Audiobook of THE WORLD CULT & YOU Is Now on Substack https://solluckman.substack.com/p/the-full-exclusive-documentary-audiobook Watch now | Listen now | Innerstand Your Place in & Way Out of the Matrix

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🎸 Rock Out to Sol Luckman’s Debut Album, POST-PUNK SHAMAN https://solluckman.substack.com/p/rock-out-to-sol-luckmans-debut-album A Dreamcatcher of Catchy Tunes to “Enlightentain”

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🎧 Crack Up to the Long-awaited Audiobook of THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY https://solluckman.substack.com/p/crack-up-to-the-long-awaited-audiobook Can Laughter Change Your World?

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😴 The New Audiobook of the Beloved Sci-fi Tale SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING Is Now on Substack https://solluckman.substack.com/p/the-new-audiobook-of-the-beloved

“This Novel Is Anything but a Yawn.” —Readers’ Favorite

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🎉 CALI THE DESTROYER (Available on Substack) Wins Silver Medal in 2022 Readers’ Favorite Int’l Book Award Contest https://solluckman.substack.com/p/cali-the-destroyer-available-on-substack

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🍎 Bestselling Author Sol Luckman Garners Two More Big Literary Awards—This Time by Way of the Big Apple! https://solluckman.substack.com/p/bestselling-author-sol-luckman-garners 🏅 CALI THE DESTROYER by Sol Luckman receives 5th & 6th literary awards …

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🧬 SLUUU Exclusive: HOW TO POTENTIATE YOUR DNA (New Regenetics Tutorial Video by Sol Luckman) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/sluuu-exclusive-how-to-potentiate In this in-depth webinar on the cutting edge of sound healing, learn how to activate your genetic potential—in a single 30-minute session!

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022Author

🏛 TAKE IT TO THE BANK: Even though they undoubtedly exist for the so-called elites, YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES WILL NEVER SEE A “MED BED.” Remove the crack pipe of psyop hopium from your mouth and explore other ways of healing and transforming yourself that exist in the here and now. Like this: https://solluckman.substack.com/p/sluuu-exclusive-how-to-potentiate

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🪶 22 Paintings for the Birds https://solluckman.substack.com/p/22-paintings-for-the-birds Sharing, liking and commenting are definitely NOT for the birds. 🙏

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

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