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❤️‍🔥 Are You “Wild at Heart”?

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Sol Luckman

🎬 If you’re Wild at Heart (like me), you’re in the right place to connect with a music video and tune that just might sing to your soul.

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❤️ I recently premiered the official music video for “Wild at Heart,” the remix on my second album of the original from my first album, here on Substack. Now it’s also available elsewhere, such as on Vimeo

🎧 If I’m totally honest, I actually prefer the remix, but maybe you’ll have a different opinion. If you’re up for a quick ear experiment, you can listen to both with your FREE TRIAL and let me know what you think in the Comments.

👉 If you haven’t yet followed my Spotify playlist, that’s a great way to get to know my sound better and support my music habit …

🙏 Thanks for lending me your ear!


Turn off the road 
Cross the schoolyard 
Feel November sand underfoot 
Ascending and descending 
The wild sea dunes

Tiptoe across spindly grasses 
Pluck a star-shaped spur 
From your toe 
Leaning and careening 
Under a lichened bough 

Turn off the road 
Cross the schoolyard 
Feel November sand underfoot 
Ascending and descending 
The wild sea dunes
The wild sea dunes 

Tiptoe across spindly grasses 
Pluck a star-shaped spur 
From your toe 
Leaning and careening 
Under a lichened bough 

Walk through driftwood 
Half buried half burned 
By unknown fires 
Like beached elephants 
With only their memories intact 

Turn off the road 
Cross the schoolyard 
Feel November sand underfoot 
Ascending and descending 
The wild sea dunes 

Now meet the surf with your question 
Whatever it is
Ask for a sign 
As the foam wraps your ankles 
With cold electricity

Any sign from the deep 
A starfish unblemished 
Or a sea lion unflinching 
Is an invitation to embrace possibility 
And ride life’s waves

Any sign from the deep 
A starfish unblemished 
Or a sea lion unflinching 
Is an invitation to embrace possibility 
And ride life’s waves

Ride life’s waves
Ride life’s waves
Ride life’s waves

Lyrics & music copyright © Sol Luckman. All rights reserved.

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Sol Luckman Uncensored
Sol Luckman ( is an award-winning & international bestselling author of humor, fiction & nonfiction as well as a pioneering painter whose work has appeared on mainstream book covers.