
👀 Visualizer for Performing Remote/Distance Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning (SLUUU Exclusive) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/visualizer-for-performing-remotedistance Take Advantage of This Wonderful New Regenetics Tool for Healing & Transforming Your Life

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🎩 Playing in the MAGIC: How to Manifest Whatever You Desire in the Simulation (Audio-videobook) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/playing-in-the-magic-how-to-manifest-a81 Intuition Refinement? Check. Empathy Cultivation? Check. Imagination Boost? Check. Now Go Forth & Create the Life You Want

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🧬 MAJOR Regenetics Method News re: Healing & Transforming Your Life https://solluckman.substack.com/p/major-regenetics-method-news BIG CHANGES Are Afoot as the Phoenix Center for Regenetics Approaches Its 20th Anniversary!

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💊 Read Sol Luckman’s New Book, THE WORLD CULT & YOU: YOUR PLACE IN IT & YOUR WAY OUT OF IT, Exclusively Here https://solluckman.substack.com/p/read-sol-luckmans-new-book-the-world The ULTIMATE Red Pill for Those Truly Desiring to Break Free from the Matrix

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🍖 Feast Your Eyes & Ears on This Meaty Excerpt of the Audio-videobook of THE WORLD CULT & YOU https://solluckman.substack.com/p/feast-your-eyes-and-ears-on-this A Full 48 Minutes of Soul Food for FREE to Kick Off Your Holiday Season!

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman


I love how you can vocalize so many thoughts I have been kicking around in my brain (if that is where thoughts are). Absolutely brilliant and spot on- in my reality anyway 😆

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THANK YOU, Danika! 🙏 I'm waiting for the unthinking knee-jerk responses, so to have some positive feedback to kick things off is very hopeful ...

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Oh, here's to hoping that when they press comment they see mine before they start typing and it takes some wind out of their trigger happy sails 🤣

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It seems to me that Truth exists and is knowable with what a couple hundred years ago was called right reason. Reason cemented in truth not in lie.

Is this truth the total truth entire? Yes in one way only. The existence of Divinity. If the truth speaker is not aligned with the highest and best their language sinks to mere persuasive speech.https://www.quodlibet.it/giorgio-agamben-la-verit-5-il-nome-di-dio

And to your other point on psychosomatic sickness this too is true. However each culture having a different psyche related to the community holds a different thought as to the nature of the source. From astrological conjunctions to germs to the Devil to Divine Punishment to the Witkio.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 7, 2022
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Not many obtain to the Rainbow body. In human life in our body without mind focus we somatically encounter and with mind so human and animal mid way on the Great Chain of Being.

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"Illusion does not mean the illusion of perception, but the false conclusion we base on perception." --H. V. Guenther

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

Is there a "true" conclusion? Who determines if it's false?

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Perhaps we do using this formula:

Intuition => Empathy => Imagination.


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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

Good answer! As the game show teams always shouted.......Then indeed our conclusions could theoretically always be true.....for us. I'm beginning to prefer to just do what I, yourself and others have said and that is to just jump ship and create my own life entirely. Actually, I've been doing that for quite some time. I never was a conformist, much to the chagrin of my teachers at the parochial school I attended way back in the 50s and 60s.

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Thanx! LOVE your plan. As the Japanese say, ganbatte! 🗻

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Great comment on this article on the link to it from my YouTube channel: "Nice, enjoyed that. Perhaps add logician Kurt Gödels' incompleteness theorem. The theorem states that in any reasonable mathematical system there will always be true statements that cannot be proved. I think that translates to no inner system principle can be used to justify the system itself ... science can't use science to prove or disprove science."

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BOOOOM! Your best piece to date

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I really appreciate that!

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I have often said that when we come here the power that runs the show don't care if you are up/ down, right /left, so long AS YOU ARE INVOLVED - it's why William Buhlman speaks about belief systems are the mechanisms that tie humans to the illusions of this planet....

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Yep. It's frustrating having to deal with plugged-in people ... until you simply unplug from dealing with them. 🤣

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Indeed ...

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

Germ theory remains unproven. that is a fact. It is the basis for vaccination. It distorts reality. People need some certainty in their lives for mental stabilty, so need to believe one thing or the other.

You raise interesting concepts.

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Thanks! Terrain theory is also unproven, and that's also a fact. The fact is, NOTHING is provable here, even though the human mind SO desires proof. Learning to survive and thrive without such proof, IMHO, is an integral part of our personal (and perhaps collective) conscious evolution.

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This is indeed true Sol. Terrain theory is unproven. But (and I say this knowing you will probably agree with me), Terrain theory really just means living in symbiosis with nature, and you don't need proof to show that that can't be a bad thing.

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I absolutely do agree with you about that. I also understand that people can and do create "realities" in which they live in disharmony with nature and call and "prove" this to be this "natural." Nothing is fixed because we're in a simulation that feeds back to us the (level of) consciousness we put into it. More on this fascinating and truly life-changing topic here: https://solluckman.substack.com/p/an-in-depth-analysis-of-the-archaix

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Thanks Sol. I intend to check out archaix. On the theme of sybiosis, you may or mat not be aware of Viktor Schauberger. I intended to write a stack about him but have been too busy lately. https://www.biologicalmedicineinstitute.com/viktor-schauberger

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Excellent. VS is fascinating, for sure ... Viktor Schauberger - Comprehend and Copy Nature (Documentary of 2008) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXPrLGUGZsw&ab_channel=wocomoDOCS

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

I don't think "terrain theory" needs to be proven. It's not even a theory, it's just the default mode. I don't think most of the "virus deniers" are demanding that viruses do not exist, they say that viruses have never been proven to be a contagious pathogen that causes illness, per the accepted scientific methods, and that is correct. It gets shortened to viruses don't exist after a time just because it's lengthy to state the entire premise each time. I do agree that we create our reality as it becomes easily apparent once one starts paying attention, hence one reason people get "sick" when they think there is something contagious "going around". On the other hand, there are many who absolutely do not believe something only to have it shown plainly to them that indeed what they thought was not true. What changed their reality? Many examples from many different times come to mind, but a very recent one is the views of Dr. Yeadon. I do think Jason Breshears is on the right track but it's a lot of information to try and assimilate.

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Right on. Yeah, it's definitely a lot of information that I've spent months assimilating, and it's still a work in progress. A lot of people seem to have enjoyed my chats with him: https://solluckman.substack.com/p/jason-breshears-interviewed-by-sol

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I mean, there ARE many researchers, doctors and even scientists who use the term "terrain theory" ... It certainly seems to be as much of a theory (FWIW) as the germ variety IMHO ...

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

That is quite true. Just as the germ theory is not a theory either because it first has to be a hypothesis and then the proper experiments done with controls and the results repeated, etc, for it to become a theory. Because the terrain line of thinking can't be proven in the accepted scientific method, (I don't know what you could possibly "prove"), it can't ever really become a true theory, just an accepted view of how the body system we have in place functions. But then, are these "avatars" functions set in stone? It's clear that one's thoughts and expectations play a huge, if not the entire, role in one's ultimate health. Lots of unravel, if that's possible.

On another note, as Jason says, his conclusion is that we are in a simulation based on his studies because that's the only thing that makes sense, TO HIM. He's wise enough to tell people to go over the timelines and histories and make up their own mind. However, on what basis do we decide what makes sense? It must certainly be from our present experiences and thought processes and evaluation of data through our current mind in these avatars and whatever state we actually exist in. So, is that any more valid than any other conclusion? I don't know, I'm just asking because so much is actually subjective, in fact, it seems everything is.

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More good thoughts on terrain and germs. 🙏

Yes, I've wondered about other possible explanations for the data Jason has uncovered. Instead of concluding that we might not somehow be in a simulation, I've actually gone WAY off the deep end in the other direction and concluded that EVERYTHING that is not the Originator (to use the Gnostic term) is a simulation. In other words, there can be no "reality" in anything that begins and ends as a mental construct--there can only be nested simulations, some or most of which may see themselves as "real." Just my two cents.

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

And possibly they use the term "theory" because a) they know it can't be proven and b) it leaves it more of an idea rather than stating it as a documented fact that can be proven and therefore not leave them open to rejection. Of course, that rejection has happened anyway.

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Yes, some good points there.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

You don’t have to believe in terrain theory to know that germ theory is full of holes and frankly preposterous when seen. I have always felt terrain theory was a red herring designed (by whatever whomever, etc. doesn’t matter) to obfuscate true investigation. While we’re here, in this probably simulated reality, it’s wise to keep the brain cells active and earnestly investigate programming that keeps us in fear, e.g. germs cause disease. I for one, am not in a dialectic about it.

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It's preposterous to you given your "reality" feed. In another "reality" feed, germ theory might be perfectly "scientific." Me, exiting duality-based dungeon programming altogether, I'm simply using my imagination to manifest a reality where germs per se don't exist. I recommend that others interested in health and wellbeing follow suit. 🙏

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

Love it!!!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

I’m with ya, but the germ theory programming has not come along with me in my journey 😉. That was my point, however it may have come across.

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Gotcha! Right on. Good for you! I had to shake off some of that programming myself ...

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

So much shared here, and I agree, with all of it. Because it's all possibilities within this Simulation. The Double Slit Experiment of the Observer shows us exactly what you were pondering. If we don't See what we want to Believe for our own journey, Collective Consciousness will create for us its version of what its been program to: Believe only what it Sees. Real great article - you unfolded so much and brought it all together. Cheers!

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Thanks so much for reading and your thoughtful commentary! 🙏

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📖 Transcript: International Bestselling Author & Renowned Sound Healer Sol Luckman Interviewed on the Higherside Chats https://solluckman.substack.com/p/transcript-international-bestselling Potentiate Your DNA, Vaccine Damage & the Fragmentary Body

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I don't believe there is an objective reality ... certainly not in this construct. So much even of history is purely invented: as in, it never actually happened, not that it was merely massaged by the victors. Similar situation with "science," which is a fancy word that really just means "prideful ignorance." This is the rabbit hole of rabbit holes and, if we follow it long enough, it leads straight out of the simulation.

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Hi, Sol. When you say 'the great Peter Gabriel', you do understand that he is Club of Rome don't you? I sympathise greatly if this is news to you, I too was a fan once.

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I honestly don't care. 😁

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