
😵‍💫 You Might NOT Be a Freethinker, But a CULT Member Instead, If ... (Chapter 5 of THE WORLD CULT & YOU) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/you-might-not-be-a-freethinker-but-39d Take the Quiz to Make Sure Your Spirit Will Survive Your Hardcore Indoctrination

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👎 F*CK Your Niche (And Other Raw Thoughts on Today’s Rampant Compartmentalization of Human Nature) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/fck-your-niche

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📚 Intro to THE WORLD CULT & YOU: YOUR PLACE IN IT & YOUR WAY OUT OF IT (You Might Be a CULT Member If ...) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/intro-to-the-world-cult-and-you-your It could hardly be more obvious that some kind of powerful mesmeric force is remote-controlling the vast majority of human beings, including many of those entrenched in so-called truther communities.

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🫢 The Full EXCLUSIVE “Documentary” Audiobook of THE WORLD CULT & YOU Is Now on Substack https://solluckman.substack.com/p/the-full-exclusive-documentary-audiobook Watch now | Listen now | Innerstand Your Place in & Way Out of the Matrix

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Sol Luckman

I read Cali the Destroyer ebook a couple of years ago. I was mesmerized, engrossed, entertained, enlightened, and warned. This was, as you say, before the explosion of the scandemic. I've known for a very long time about the fraud around medicine, disease, government, and more recently our "reality". However, reading Cali I was privy to an entirely new way of thinking about a few things and reread parts of it in order to fully grasp the meaning and implications. What a joy to read! I felt that Snooze was also just as enlightening and entertaining, if not a bit sad and heartbreaking at times. (I tend to really connect with the characters and their feelings and emotions, adding in some of my own.)

And now, having read The World Cult and You, the enlightenment continues. It's refreshing to see Sol's progression and to ride along with him. I can't recommend these writings enough.

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Thank you SO MUCH, my friend! 😍 🥰 😘 As a writer who often toils in almost total obscurity, it’s a major shot in the arm, so to speak, to receive such generous feedback. 🙏

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Sol Luckman

Take heart! All the great men and women toiled in obscurity, at least while still living. ( :

Comes with the territory.

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Right on!

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🦮 The 33 Most Common Categories of CULT Handlers (How to Identify Your Own or Someone Else’s Keepers) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/the-33-most-common-categories-of-fe7 Watch now | Listen now | Chapter 6 of the Controversial New Audiobook, THE WORLD CULT & YOU

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Review of THE WORLD CULT & YOU by April Novoa


When most people think of cults, they think of Jonestown, the Branch Davidians, NXIVM, the Church of Scientology, and so on. We tend to judge people who fall prey to organizations like that. We don’t consider for a moment that we might be vulnerable to the same kind of mind control and manipulation. Most fail to understand how fragile the human mind is. They may not understand how deeply influenced they may have become. As a result, even with the best of intentions, they might behave in dogmatic, harmful, and grossly unskillful ways that are not of service to themselves, or others.

In THE WORLD CULT & YOU, Sol Luckman does not shy away from exposing how insidious and covert cult leaders and cultist ideas are. They hide in plain sight and in all sorts of groups and systems most would never expect. This book is a wake-up call and provides a road map to reclaiming human sovereignty and agency. It diagnoses the disease and provides a cure. That is a rare thing indeed! If you want freedom, true freedom, I highly recommend that you read this book.

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🤫 The Only Way OUT Is IN When You’re in the SIM https://solluckman.substack.com/p/the-only-way-out-is-in-when-youre Thoughts for Exiting the Loosh Loop of the World CULT

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🤦‍♂️ The “Community” Psyop & Other Tall Tales from the CULT of the Simulacrum https://solluckman.substack.com/p/the-community-psyop-and-other-tall-c12 Watch now | Listen now | Chapter 8 of the Controversial New Audiobook, THE WORLD CULT & YOU

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🤯 How to Engage in Spiritual Guerilla Warfare against the World CULT https://solluckman.substack.com/p/how-to-engage-in-spiritual-guerilla-f99 Watch now | Listen now | Chapter 9 of the Controversial New Audiobook THE WORLD CULT & YOU

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🙀 Open Your Eyes & Smell the Loosh: Awakening to the Dialectic of Control & Choosing Freedom https://solluckman.substack.com/p/open-your-eyes-and-smell-the-loosh The “Gnostic” question of how people are parasitized mentally is of utmost importance for anyone truly desiring to break free.

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😵‍💫 The Trouble with “Truthing” (Choose Your Life & World Wisely)


We currently find ourselves in a weird feedback loop in this simulated dreamscape of a worldwide civilization seemingly controlled by a Great Parasite that keeps rerouting human energy to create less than desirable outcomes for humanity. In this scenario doomsday cults of all kinds are allowed to thrive online and off because they serve the Great Parasite’s fear-based agenda.

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🤯 How to WIN the Guerilla War against the World CULT

Watch now | Listen now | https://solluckman.substack.com/p/how-to-win-the-guerilla-war-against Chapter 10 of the Controversial New Audiobook, THE WORLD CULT & YOU

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😳 Awakening to the Dialectic of Control & Choosing Freedom (Video) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/awakening-to-the-dialectic-of-control Watch now | Listen now | Open Your Eyes & Smell the Loosh

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🫨 Be Mindful While Cultivating Your Interests That You Don’t Find Yourself in a CULT (https://solluckman.substack.com/p/be-mindful-while-cultivating-your-5dc The worst cults are the chameleons in society, the seemingly “natural” groupings of people for seemingly “normal” purposes that no one in their “right mind” should ever question.

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🥞 Optimism Panhandles, Fear Porn Sells Like Pancakes https://solluckman.substack.com/p/optimism-panhandles-fear-porn-sells Watch now | Listen now | The Trouble with “Truthing”

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