💥 Heal Yourself by Resetting Your Bioenergy Blueprint https://solluckman.substack.com/p/heal-yourself-by-resetting-your-bioenergy DNA is a holographic sound and light carrier wave that translates information from different octaves, dimensions, or areas of the construct. If trauma gets held in your energy field, it might express itself through the holographic translation mechanism that is DNA into different problems in your mind, body, or spirit.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 This is a highly stimulating read, if I, being mentioned in it, do say so myself … Quoting: “For me music and sound are what really and truly allow us to comprehend the nature of our combined spiritual and physical selves—where the light of being meets our vibrational reality of both spirit and matter.” https://kwnorton.substack.com/p/our-resonant-vibrational-electromagnetic
🧬 Take Your Health & Body-mind-spirit Awareness to the Next Level https://solluckman.substack.com/p/regenetics-on-substack-premium-and The "Revolutionary Healing Science" of Regenetics Is on Substack (Premium & Exclusive Resources)
💥 Healing & Transformation through Consciousness (Part 1) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/healing-and-transformation-through Watch now | Listen now | Grasp the Spiritual Nature of Your Human Journey to Wholeness
💥 Healing & Transformation through Consciousness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUsBBIvlso8&ab_channel=ActivateYourPotentialwithRegenetics
🧩 Innerstanding Your Bioenergy Blueprint https://solluckman.substack.com/p/innerstanding-your-bioenergy-blueprint Watch now | Listen now | Repattern Yourself into Health & Wholeness
🤒 Heal Yourself by Resetting Your Bioenergy Blueprint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTSnzrLo7P8&ab_channel=ActivateYourPotentialwithRegenetics Does DNA even exist?
💥 Heal Yourself by Resetting Your Bioenergy Blueprint https://solluckman.substack.com/p/heal-yourself-by-resetting-your-bioenergy DNA is a holographic sound and light carrier wave that translates information from different octaves, dimensions, or areas of the construct. If trauma gets held in your energy field, it might express itself through the holographic translation mechanism that is DNA into different problems in your mind, body, or spirit.
🎼 CONSCIOUS HEALING, the Bestselling Energy Medicine Classic, Is Now on Substack https://solluckman.substack.com/p/conscious-healing-the-bestselling A Mind-expanding Exploration of Human Potential
🎹 Let Sound Light Your Path of Healing & Transformation https://solluckman.substack.com/p/let-sound-light-your-path-of-healing Watch now | Listen now | Reflections on the Importance of Sound & Light (in That Order)
🔑 Sound & Light (in That Order): The Ultimate Keys to Health & Wellness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwASCp8hgkc&ab_channel=ActivateYourPotentialwithRegenetics
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 This is a highly stimulating read, if I, being mentioned in it, do say so myself … Quoting: “For me music and sound are what really and truly allow us to comprehend the nature of our combined spiritual and physical selves—where the light of being meets our vibrational reality of both spirit and matter.” https://kwnorton.substack.com/p/our-resonant-vibrational-electromagnetic