“Sol Luckman’s writing never fails to compel me toward my fullest, truest life energy. His books activate my capacity to seek out my own core sourceness. GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE is exemplary of this […] This book will require you to ask yourself serious questions about the nature of the world and your place in it. It will invite you to choose to live more vividly and know yourself more deeply.” —Megan Elizabeth Morris, INTUITIVE PUBLIC RADIO

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“If you’re ready to question everything you think you know about reality, energy, and human potential, this book is a wild, enlightening ride. It’s both a self-help manual and a deep metaphysical journey, perfect for seekers who want to upgrade their existence and break free from limiting belief systems.” —Laura Kennedy, INTEGRATED BEINGNESS

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🌊 The Hero’s Journey past the Dragon, through the Shadow & into the Dark Sea of Awareness


Chapter 1️⃣ of the EXCLUSIVE Audiobook Serialization of GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE

#audiobook #newaudiobook #alchemy #inneralchemy #internalalchemy #longevity #immortality #energymedicine #mimeticdesire #quantumphysics #consciousness #awareness #awakening #solluckman #getoutofherealive

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Live More Vividly & Know Yourself More Deeply”


“This Book Will Require You to Ask Yourself Serious Questions about the Nature of the World & Your Place in It”

#book #introspection #gnosis #natureofreality #inneralchemy

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“It’s possible to become so ‘real,’ so energetically sovereign, so full of power and magic that we can grow wings—figuratively anyway—and fly this chicken coop.

In other words, we can leave this delusional world (and the World Cult that sustains it) flapping in the breeze while exiting as increasingly self-realized beings.

Few will even attempt this feat of alchemical transmutation, I realize. But at the very least, we can get real in our understanding—or better, innerstanding—as we begin to collect the scattered fragments of ourselves we’ve left behind in our unconsciousness.”


🤯 Get Your FREE REVIEW COPY ... https://books.solluckman.com/getoutofherealivereviewcopy

🤯 Enjoy on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)

🤯 Experience the AUDIOBOOK ... https://solluckman.substack.com/p/onward-and-inward-exclusive-audiobook

#alchemy #consciousness #cult #holistic #immortality #magic #matrix #transcendence #transmutation #unconscious

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“It’s possible to become so ‘real,’ so energetically sovereign, so full of power and magic that we can grow wings—figuratively anyway—and fly this chicken coop.

In other words, we can leave this delusional world (and the World Cult that sustains it) flapping in the breeze while exiting as increasingly self-realized beings.

Few will even attempt this feat of alchemical transmutation, I realize. But at the very least, we can get real in our understanding—or better, innerstanding—as we begin to collect the scattered fragments of ourselves we’ve left behind in our unconsciousness.”


🤯 Get Your FREE REVIEW COPY ... https://books.solluckman.com/getoutofherealivereviewcopy

🤯 Enjoy on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)

🤯 Experience the AUDIOBOOK ... https://solluckman.substack.com/p/onward-and-inward-exclusive-audiobook

#alchemy #consciousness #cult #holistic #immortality #magic #matrix #transcendence #transmutation #unconscious

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⚰️ This Is the End—Sol Luckman & Denby Sheather Discuss Their Powerful New Books on Death, Dying & WAY Beyond


☠️ In this deepest of deep dives, authors Denby Sheather

(DYING TO LIVE) and Sol Luckman (GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE) unpack their utterly fascinating explorations of death and dying and the afterlife. You don’t want to miss this one!

#books #alchemy #immortality #deathanddying #afterlife #energyhealing #mentalhealth #blocktherapy #myofascialrelease #pragmalchemy #ouroboros #regenetics #solluckman #denbysheather #jimmorrison #thedoors

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“Objectivity is a subjective fantasy implanted in us by an external will seeking to curtail our creativity by limiting our minds to our own detriment.”


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🤯 Enjoy on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)

🤯 Experience the AUDIOBOOK ... https://solluckman.substack.com/p/onward-and-inward-exclusive-audiobook

#empiricism #fantasy #logic #materialism #objectivity #reason #rationalism #scientism #skepticism #subjectivity

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“Reading Sol Luckman’s new book, GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE, makes me feel like when I lay my head back and look at the world while I’m upside-down. As he opens many cans of loosh, you’re invited to explore that upside-down might just be where the real world exists […] Pushing hard on tender spots is a magnificent way to release pain, and that is just what the author does with the subjects of anonymity, authenticity, alchemy, and the forces behind AI. Mr. Luckman pluckily points to the exit doors from a false reality like a rock ’n’ roll rebel researcher.” —Andrea Mai, author, THE CALM WAY

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“As we learn to appreciate the waltz of shadows on the walls of Plato’s cave, we begin to grasp that the solid ‘objects’ we think of as ourselves are merely illusions moving through a greater illusion.”


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🤯 Enjoy on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)

🤯 Experience the AUDIOBOOK ... https://solluckman.substack.com/p/onward-and-inward-exclusive-audiobook

#plato #shadowself #shadows #simulation #simulationtheory #awakening #awareness #illusion #maya #perception

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⏰ Five Minutes A Day—Till It Happens


👀 Creative Focus w/ Sol Luckman & His Upcoming Book Release, GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE

📝 Description by Megan Elizabeth Morris ...

This can be super simple—maybe not immediately super easy!—and really powerful.

Where you put your attention … shapes reality.

It changes your experience of your body; it changes your body. It changes the flow of your physiology and the ways you engage with the world around you. It changes the resonance around you, which then interacts differently with the resonance of other beings and spaces and situations around you.

#positivethinking #manifestation #mindset #intention #focus

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“Contrary to the dogma downloaded from our many cult-like institutions of higher (actually lower) learning, we’re not in any way separate from the quantum dance of the imagination; we’re inextricably bound up in it. In a mind-melting paradox, we somehow manage to give rise to the quantum dance … even as it dances us!”


🤯 Get Your FREE REVIEW COPY ... https://books.solluckman.com/getoutofherealivereviewcopy

🤯 Enjoy on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)

🤯 Experience the AUDIOBOOK ... https://solluckman.substack.com/p/onward-and-inward-exclusive-audiobook

#dance #dancing #dogma #entanglement #imaginal #imagination #paradox #quantum #quantumphysics #scientism

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♾ Onward & Inward! Exclusive Audiobook Serialization of GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE


💀 R.I.P. ... DEATH? (Preface & Introduction) (No, It’s NOT Currently Available Elsewhere)

In this deep dive into #inneralchemy, #shamanism and #energymedicine, bestselling #author and renowned #soundhealer #SolLuckman addresses #mortality head-on ... and shares a nondogmatic solution to this “problem” that will shock and inspire you!

#book #books #audiobook #audiobooks #newbook #newaudiobook #nonfiction

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💡 “Next Level Healing”: Human Light Bulbs Interviews Sol Luckman about His New “Great Book”



#alchemy #inneralchemy #internalalchemy #energyhealing #immortality #longevity #shamanisim #consciousness #spirituality #books #newbook #nonfiction #inspirationalbook #motivationalbook

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“Society’s members are psychically pressured into defining ‘true’ and ‘right’ based not on personal experience or direct gnosis (inner knowing), but on what the creators of social discourse put forward as ‘true’ and ‘right’—in other words, what to believe in—even in the absence of genuine logic or compelling evidence.

This situation leads—almost inevitably, it would seem—to the creation of a certain kind of top-down, pyramidal structure that controls society, culture and, given enough free rein, eventually the world itself.”


🤯 Get on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)

🤯 Get Your FREE REVIEW COPY ... https://books.solluckman.com/getoutofherealivereviewcopy

#behaviormodification #belief #gnosis #matrix #matrixcontrolsystem #mimetidesire #mindcontrol #renegirard #socialcontrol #socialengineering

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“The world brought into being by people through their (installed) belief systems can be manipulated by anyone—or anything—powerful and knowledgeable enough to pull the right emotional strings to produce … the desired beliefs!”


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🤯 Get on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)

#behaviormodification #belief #beliefsystem #beliefs #loosh #mimeticdesire #mindcontrol #mindvirus #sheeple #socialengineering

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