I lucid dream often, going to listen to this on a walk later! :) Thanks!

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Sweet (waking) dreams then! Enjoy!

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“The truth about the world is that anything is possible.” —Cormac McCarthy

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May 21Liked by Sol Luckman

I am enjoying this . Thank you. Only 4 chapters in so far. My daughter just had her 1st baby 9 days ago. ( she is very fit and a nurse with a master’s degree and teaches nursing students at a local college after being a school nurse, ortho/spine hospital nurse and most recently ER nurse). Despite asking repeatedly for a 3rd ultrasound and not given one/their health insurance is good and would have covered it…2 prior ones showed baby breech; not a 3rd one done. She literally hemorrhaged in ER and almost died due to her dr fuckiing it up by not knowing the baby was breech the entire time! She was made to go through almost 24 hours of unnecessary medical interventions including balloons stuck up her cervix, pitocin, and 4 rounds of some labor inducing bs down 4 hours apart then given an injection in spine. Couldn’t numb her in OR, code white and thankfully her dr off duty and a competent one on. Total cluster f. General anesthesia, etc. I thought as she was wheeled away to OR it may be my last time seeing her alive. I was so angry when I found out that a simple ultrasound would have avoided all the medical bs and she wouldn’t have had to go days past due date and hours of pain and suffering for no reason. I was livid when I found out baby was breech entire time! Ok way too much from me here… just a parallel in the story. I should probably delete this so feel free to ignore my comment. I guess I am still upset about this. Sorry to vent here. Few places to.

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No worries, Carolyn! So sorry you and your family had to endure all that. Thank your sharing a personal connection point with the story!

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May 21Liked by Sol Luckman

Thank you. So kind of you. It’s been seriously difficult but all good now.

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I hear you! Many blessings to you and yours!

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May 21Liked by Sol Luckman

WTH. My brother was born New Year’s Eve at the stroke of midnight. I found Sol L via Jason @ Archaix. Ok I will stop commenting 😬

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Please don't stop, LOL! Crazy serendipities indeed ...

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May 21Liked by Sol Luckman

Oh ok. Good. That’s what I thought too.

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