Register for FREE today for this powerful, popular monthly offering: Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony. This is a wonderful way to save on the “revolutionary healing science” (NEXUS Magazine) of Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning.
🪬 Sol Luckman here. While undergoing Potentiation and the Regenetics Method to heal my nearly decade-long chronic autoimmune illness, realized that I was simultaneously detoxifying not only harmful toxins and organisms but also traumas.
These days there’s a lot of new information on, and strategies for dealing with, trauma—and for good reason.
As I explore in my newest book, THE WORLD CULT & YOU, we’re a systematically traumatized species.
Past traumas tend to create energy blockages in the body-mind-spirit that limit the free flow of life energy, which is governed by DNA.
DNA is a holographic sound and light carrier wave that translates information from different octaves, dimensions, or areas of the “ener-genetic” construct of our “reality.”
If, for example, you experience trauma that then gets held in your energy field, it might express itself through the holographic translation mechanism that is DNA into different problems in your mind, body, or spirit.
The first activation in the Regenetics Method, Potentiation, is an integrated reset and healing of one’s damaged or distorted bioenergy blueprint using sound and light waves designed to interface with DNA.
A variety of benefits—physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual—are regularly reported.
You can experience Potentiation the first Sunday of every month virtually, and it’s absolutely free.
Alternatively, you can learn to do Potentiation for yourself and loved ones, and even your pets, with a FREE TRIAL that gives you access to a variety of premium and exclusive Regenetics resources …
To your potential!
Interested in becoming a Facilitator? Explore how to with distance certification.
DISCLAIMER: The Developers and Facilitators of the Regenetics Method make no recommendations, claims, promises or guarantees relative to specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for your own medical treatment and care.
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