“For anyone desiring to go beyond this world’s illusory limits, the most important thing is to avoid accepting anything anyone (including yours truly) asserts as ‘fact’ without personally testing it with an open mind … and heart.”
Please Help GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE Defeat the Dragon of the Algos!
RIP … Death?
Longevity’s overrated. Live forever instead.
In this deep dive into inner alchemy, shamanism and energy medicine, bestselling author and renowned sound healer Sol Luckman addresses mortality head-on ... and shares a nondogmatic solution to this “problem” that will shock and inspire you!
“Being a fool the right way means not being the kind of fool who uncritically accepts so-called real-world truths that attempt to explain (away) the inexplicable, while unthinkingly denying huge swaths of data that contradict those very ‘truths.’
The wrong type of fool focuses only on the profound while sweeping the absurd under the rug. The right kind, however, realizes that ‘profound’ and ‘absurd’ don’t exist in isolation but as a meaningful paradox at the center of human experience: the absurdly profound.”
“Though there are no guarantees in life (or death), we at least have a shot—a fool’s chance maybe but a shot nevertheless—at getting out of here alive.”
Hey Sol ... I just love your energy, experiences, and wisdoms. You remind me somewhat of a dear friend, you might know, or know of? Frank Jacob. I sent him this particular video sharing you with him.
Frank seems absolutely amazing. I spent a little time on his website. His films all look incredible. Thanks for bringing him and his work to my awareness!
Oh great, happy you feel this way too. Check out this interview with he and Jean Nolan, who is another sweet being .. we are all what I just learned "Black Pilled" people :)
Will do! BTW ... Jean blew me off when I approached him to come on his show a couple years ago to discuss THE WORLD CULT & YOU, I believe ... Bit of a red flag there, I'm afraid ... Anyway, I'm always looking for receptive platforms to talk about my latest work, so any connections/ideas you have along those lines would be most welcome. 🙏
Whaaa? hmmmmm? Thank you for the heads up. Well, I'm not going to blow you off. You can still check out Frank .. he is not tied to Jean and is his own solo artist too.
Oh! I hope you don't mind darlin' ?
I posted one of your videos on my blog, with two links below to your substack and another video. Is that okay?
“Shamanism and inner alchemy offer some of the most empowering strategies for freethinkers and other free spirits interested in ‘waking up’ enough to craft their own storyline and direct their own fate.”
“The possibility of waking up from (or even in) the dream offers a glimmer of hope, a sense that there’s more to existence than this mundane rat race. It suggests that we’re not just NPCs, non-player characters in a preprogrammed reality—but that, instead, we’re capable of becoming truly conscious players with the power to shape our own destinies.”
Love this! Question: how do you add all the cool visuals, like your Sol Luckman drawn-guy dancing in your other videos? I know nothing about animation but part of me wants to learn, though I might be going down a rabbit trail, lol. I need to check out my video editor (I use Magix) to see if I can build some animations in there. It comes with some animations and I need to see if I can alter them too. I don't expect you to teach me animation, just wondering if there are some tools you love to use. Anyway, complete side tangent. lol.
📲 Just streamed. Empower yourself …
Sol Luckman • Intuitive Public TV 🌟⚡️✨
“For anyone desiring to go beyond this world’s illusory limits, the most important thing is to avoid accepting anything anyone (including yours truly) asserts as ‘fact’ without personally testing it with an open mind … and heart.”
👉 Get Your FREE REVIEW COPY ... https://books.solluckman.com/getoutofherealivereviewcopy
👉 PREORDER on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)
#dogma #facts #freespirit #freethinker #illusion #materialism #maya #openness #simulation #simulationtheory
🩺 Allopathic Medicine Definitively Defined (Devilishly Clever Word of the Day)
#humor #comedy #satire #parody #funny
🙏 Preorders Make a Monumental Difference in the Delicate Life Cycle of Great Books
Please Help GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE Defeat the Dragon of the Algos!
RIP … Death?
Longevity’s overrated. Live forever instead.
In this deep dive into inner alchemy, shamanism and energy medicine, bestselling author and renowned sound healer Sol Luckman addresses mortality head-on ... and shares a nondogmatic solution to this “problem” that will shock and inspire you!
#alchemy #inneralchemy #philosophersstone #longevity #immortality #death #deathanddying #selfhelp #health #mentalhealth #mindfulness #manifestation #energymedicine #alternativemedicine #chakras #aura #empowerment #consciousness #sovereignty #humanpotential #consciousevolution #wellness #mindcontrol #mimeticdesire #behvioralmodification #socialengineering #brainwashing #freethinker #freedom #detox #digitaldetox
“Being a fool the right way means not being the kind of fool who uncritically accepts so-called real-world truths that attempt to explain (away) the inexplicable, while unthinkingly denying huge swaths of data that contradict those very ‘truths.’
The wrong type of fool focuses only on the profound while sweeping the absurd under the rug. The right kind, however, realizes that ‘profound’ and ‘absurd’ don’t exist in isolation but as a meaningful paradox at the center of human experience: the absurdly profound.”
👉 Get Your FREE REVIEW COPY ... https://books.solluckman.com/getoutofherealivereviewcopy
👉 PREORDER on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)
#materialism #paradox #skeptic #skepticism #truth #fool #clown #wisdom #simulation
“Though there are no guarantees in life (or death), we at least have a shot—a fool’s chance maybe but a shot nevertheless—at getting out of here alive.”
👉 Get Your FREE REVIEW COPY ... https://books.solluckman.com/getoutofherealivereviewcopy
👉 PREORDER on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)
#afterlife #alchemy #death #deathanddying #firefromwithin #immortal #immortality #lifeafterdeath #liveforever #philosophersstone
Hey Sol ... I just love your energy, experiences, and wisdoms. You remind me somewhat of a dear friend, you might know, or know of? Frank Jacob. I sent him this particular video sharing you with him.
Check him out if you feel to?
The two of you, I think, would be great friends.
He lives where I used to live. Berchtesgaden, Southern Bavaria
Frank seems absolutely amazing. I spent a little time on his website. His films all look incredible. Thanks for bringing him and his work to my awareness!
I did it! I posted the 'Phoenix Rising' image on my substack page. I'm learnin' 🤓
I left a comment there and restacked the image. Great work! Really love the image … and the quote as well …
awe thank you! What does 'restack' mean?
The arrows in a circular pattern after a comment or post are for restacking that content to one's feed ...
Oh great, happy you feel this way too. Check out this interview with he and Jean Nolan, who is another sweet being .. we are all what I just learned "Black Pilled" people :)
Will do! BTW ... Jean blew me off when I approached him to come on his show a couple years ago to discuss THE WORLD CULT & YOU, I believe ... Bit of a red flag there, I'm afraid ... Anyway, I'm always looking for receptive platforms to talk about my latest work, so any connections/ideas you have along those lines would be most welcome. 🙏
Whaaa? hmmmmm? Thank you for the heads up. Well, I'm not going to blow you off. You can still check out Frank .. he is not tied to Jean and is his own solo artist too.
Oh! I hope you don't mind darlin' ?
I posted one of your videos on my blog, with two links below to your substack and another video. Is that okay?
I also placed a meme banner on my FB page.
Are you on FB?
Of course I don't mind! Thanx for sharing my stuff. FB link here: https://www.facebook.com/solluckmanuncensored/
Just 'liked' your page. Here is mine:
“Shamanism and inner alchemy offer some of the most empowering strategies for freethinkers and other free spirits interested in ‘waking up’ enough to craft their own storyline and direct their own fate.”
👉 Get Your FREE REVIEW COPY ... https://books.solluckman.com/getoutofherealivereviewcopy
👉 PREORDER on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)
#alchemy #energyhealing #fate #freespirit #freewill #freethinker #inneralchemy #shaman #shamanism #storytelling
“The possibility of waking up from (or even in) the dream offers a glimmer of hope, a sense that there’s more to existence than this mundane rat race. It suggests that we’re not just NPCs, non-player characters in a preprogrammed reality—but that, instead, we’re capable of becoming truly conscious players with the power to shape our own destinies.”
👉 Get Your FREE REVIEW COPY ... https://books.solluckman.com/getoutofherealivereviewcopy
👉 PREORDER on KINDLE ... https://amzn.to/41bUosb (affiliate link)
#awakening #destiny #empowerment #fate #freewill #npc #predestination #sovereignty #books #inneralchemy
Love this! Question: how do you add all the cool visuals, like your Sol Luckman drawn-guy dancing in your other videos? I know nothing about animation but part of me wants to learn, though I might be going down a rabbit trail, lol. I need to check out my video editor (I use Magix) to see if I can build some animations in there. It comes with some animations and I need to see if I can alter them too. I don't expect you to teach me animation, just wondering if there are some tools you love to use. Anyway, complete side tangent. lol.
So glad, Brie-Anna, thanx! I used https://viggle.ai/home for that one video ...
Thank you so much for sharing!! I can see the beginning of the rabbit trail. Should I follow this path? Why not, I got some time.
LOL. My pleasure …
So much good stuff. This book should be on everyone's "to read" list this year! ❤️🔥
Thanx for that!