RemovedDec 1, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman
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Tolle also taught a lot of people how to get .... VAXXED. 🤣 As for connecting with Source, I see nothing in what I propose that would preclude people from doing just that. In fact, finding one's higher calling is definitely the ideal that I recommend pursuing. 🙏

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RemovedDec 1, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman
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Yep, I hear you ... Related: Why We Stay Asleep When Covid-19 Is Trying to Wake Us up (Audio) https://anchor.fm/sol-luckman/episodes/Why-We-Stay-Asleep-When-Covid-19-Is-Trying-to-Wake-Us-up-e102ico "The fear is in place as an emotional caution tape between our defensive survival strategies of childhood and the emancipated sovereignty of individuated adulthood."

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RemovedDec 1, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman
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Well and truly stated. 👍

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

🤣 great quiz

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Thanks! So glad you liked it!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

Question. By taking the quiz am I to add another 'Yes' to the total, or, is it already calculated since I conformed? Fun!

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Great question! “If you know, you know you don’t know.” —Yours Truly

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☄️ Please Submit Your Questions for Part 2 of My Interview Series w/ Jason Breshears in the Comments https://solluckman.substack.com/p/please-submit-your-questions-for Exploring the Astonishing Mathematix & Caldendrix of Archaix

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Sol Luckman

Oh oh I came in with 25 big No's ..where does that place me..lol

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Way behind the eight ball? LOL 😂

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🧮 A Trio of Archaix Videos for You Math Geeks Out There https://solluckman.substack.com/p/a-trio-of-archaix-videos-for-you Is the Number 2178 the Only Thing That’s Real in the Simulacrum?

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🔬 Is the “Scientific Method” Broken—or Did It Never Actually Exist in the First Place? https://solluckman.substack.com/p/is-the-scientific-method-brokenor Seeing through the Illusion to the Source of Our True Power

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🧬 New Regenetics Tutorial: HOW TO POTENTIATE YOUR DNA (Official Trailer) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/new-regenetics-tutorial-how-to-potentiate “Revolutionary Healing Science Expanding the Boundaries of Being” (NEXUS Magazine)

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📆 Jason Breshears Interviewed by Sol Luckman (Round 2): Exploring the Astonishing Mathematix & Calendrix of Archaix https://solluckman.substack.com/p/jason-breshears-interviewed-by-sol If One Video Could Utterly Transform Your Vision of Yourself & Your World, THIS IS IT

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I don't believe there is an objective reality ... certainly not in this construct. So much even of history is purely invented: as in, it never actually happened, not that it was merely massaged by the victors. Similar situation with "science," which is a fancy word that really just means "prideful ignorance." This is the rabbit hole of rabbit holes and, if we follow it long enough, it leads straight out of the simulation. https://solluckman.substack.com/p/is-the-scientific-method-brokenor

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🔍 An In-depth Analysis of the Archaix Material: Simulation Theory, Phoenix Phenomenon & Much More https://solluckman.substack.com/p/an-in-depth-analysis-of-the-archaix Enjoy This Truly Profound DEEP DIVE into the Simulacrum & Beyond by Author Dennis Gilmour

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💡 The Human Body Emits, Communicates with & Is Made from Light https://solluckman.substack.com/p/the-human-body-emits-communicates We Already Have a Lightbody ... This is just more evidence supporting a simulated holography ...

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⁉️ What’s the Matter with Antimatter? Newly Discovered “Particle” Said to Contain Both https://solluckman.substack.com/p/whats-the-matter-with-antimatter A Fiction Made Up of Two Other Fictions?

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🖥 Simulacrum Mysteries: Evidence of the Construct https://solluckman.substack.com/p/simulacrum-mysteries-evidence-of ... Educate Yourself with This AMAZING Video Collection Produced & Curated by Jason Breshears ...

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💥 Archaix Simplified—Decoding the Simulacrum https://solluckman.substack.com/p/archaix-simplifieddecoding-the-simulacrum The Basic Outline of “Reality” Distilled in Just over 6 Minutes

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☄️ 33 Paintings I Did of the Phoenix Phenomenon—before I Ever Heard of It https://solluckman.substack.com/p/33-paintings-i-did-of-the-phoenix Artistic Intuition, Anyone?

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