I haven't had a chance to read the book yet but have it and the tuning forks...what is needed to attend the once a month sunday session?

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No worries. ❤️ Reading isn't required, though if you want to "potentiate" friends, family, pets, etc., you'll need to take that, of course. Nothing is needed for the Worldwide except to register ... https://www.phoenixregenetics.org/resources/worldwide-potentiation-ceremony

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Thanks. I plan on digging in to the material soon!

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Awesome! Just let me know if you have any questions ...

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Omg omg u are so right

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Aug 29Liked by Sol Luckman

What would happen if we could wake up one day and know what it’s like to have a free thinking mind ?

No bible

No government

No media

No neighbor

No idea of history

What would YOUR day be like ?

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Aug 29Liked by Sol Luckman

What frequency tuning fork is needed?

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Thanks for your interest, Sylvie!

If you're going to do the Potentiation yourself, you'll need the 528-hz fork ... https://www.phoenixregenetics.org/resources/solfeggio-tuning-forks

If you're planning to participate in the Ceremony or have us do your session individually, you don't need a tuning fork.

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Aug 29Liked by Sol Luckman

potentiation of your DNA has greatly impacted my life . In so many subtle ways and some profound.

I tend to be less judgmental and found ways to not create conflict and find my inner peace !

No fame no money. Something way more beneficial. Bliss and a way to see that my life is my creation. And it’s limitless.

Thank you !

Sol luckman

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That's just music to my ears. Thanks for sharing publicly, my friend! 😀

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Aug 29Liked by Sol Luckman

I find it fascinating that we can be so married to any certain belief and that belief can be damaging to one self.

Turning off the Media and for that part any main stream ideas that we think we must fall in-line with .forget the na sayers and find YOU ! Your true inner self. Wow such bliss and it doesn’t matter what anyone says . I am living my life now in my terms. With no regret or remorse. My life is full of challenges and they are neither good nor bad.

Potentiation has help me find the tools and peace to know all life is for me.

. True power for myself to to know I own my own life . Any so called problem. I created it.

So therefore I can create bliss and Beaty !🙏

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Right on, Tray! I think you'll get a lot out of my new book, where I can continue to make the strongest case I know how for pulling away and unplugging ...

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Aug 29Liked by Sol Luckman

Sounds great . When I realized I do not have to listen or look at anything I do not choose to. Even people , i can just walk away and do

It with out being angered or thinking I am right .

Sometimes my answer will

Never fit someone else’s question .

Just hit me I truly do not need to be understood ! Wow. That is magical

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🤩 🥳 🥰

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Aug 29Liked by Sol Luckman

A ride that never stops!

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Aug 29Liked by Sol Luckman

I was just going to comment like a never ending barrel ride !

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LOL. 🌊 🌊 🌊

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Aug 29Liked by Sol Luckman

Absolutely beautifully put, Tray. That is so awesome!

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