Sol Luckman
I’ve never been much of a holiday person. Truth be known, I really don’t care for anything calling itself a holiday. Corporatized, monetized, anaesthetized, lobotomized—that’s what holidays are to me.
Here are the facts as I see them:
Christmas was invented by Coca-Cola, Valentine’s Day by Hallmark, and Easter by Cadbury. Cinco de Mayo is the brainchild of Corona. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day (and probably someday soon, Children’s Day and even Embryos’ Day) are designed with one capitalistic goal in mind: to compel the working stiffs of the world to fling offerings they can’t afford on the altar of retail.
Sol Luckman has eloquently written a witty, insightful memoir in MUSINGS FROM A SMALL ISLAND: EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN. As an art major, I thoroughly enjoyed Sol’s humor and philosophical thoughts on the elusive purpose of art and his expression of life on his small island. His love of bodysurfing and descriptions of the tourist environment at the beach were hilarious and an observation I share, having lived in Florida for many years. I laughed out loud for the first fifty pages. This book is not all humor, though. In this open display of musings by Sol, he bares his soul and reveals some of his struggles with a nasty funk and how he used bodysurfing to overcome personal challenges.
MUSINGS FROM A SMALL ISLAND hit a distinct chord with me. I must be a kindred spirit (or perhaps a spirit animal?). His sarcasm had me grinning as his thoughtful descriptions of tourists’ bicycle etiquette, country music, palmetto trees, politics, cell phones, and life, in general, delighted me because I so agree with him. This justifiably opinionated author is a prolific artist, poet, and mixologist. And as if that isn’t enough, there’s more. The art stands alone. I loved his paintings! The simplicity of his work falls somewhere between abstract, modernist, and minimalist. His work is so good that I left the book briefly to research his website, where I found more than five hundred examples of his colorful portrayals of life. It was a joy reading the musings of Sol Luckman. So joyous, I’ll reread it. I may even buy one of his paintings. —Nancy Tobin for Readers’ Favorite
Few things get under my skin more than being compelled to be nice. Like a rebellious high schooler, I go to great lengths to inject any holiday based on obligatory gift giving with lethal doses of sarcasm just to assert my independence from the Machine.
Speaking of independence, the American holiday that provokes me most, July 4th, doesn’t even require giving gifts. Talk about life’s little ironies.
A nauseating display of statist brainwashing anywhere, Independence Day is especially trying on my small island. The entire landmass is littered with flag-waving tourists from North, South, East and West Jesus so unaware their country is a democracy in name only they wouldn’t know freedom if it bit them on their star-spangled asses.
A nauseating display of statist brainwashing anywhere, Independence Day is especially trying on my small island. The entire landmass is littered with flag-waving tourists from North, South, East and West Jesus so unaware their country is a democracy in name only they wouldn’t know freedom if it bit them on their star-spangled asses.
You’d be amazed how many delusional beachgoers take pride in sporting flag bikinis and swim trunks in July. Given America’s spotlessly genocidal record of engaging in at least one war of aggression at all times, my mind tends to play tricks on me and— instead of stars and stripes up and down the beach—I see swastikas, hammers, and sickles.
Begging the question: when did tyranny become so fashionable?
A lot of these debt serfs served or have relatives who served in the armed forces. For many of these people, “service” means putting your life on the line for liberty. I get that. And maybe one day their country will reward them with a tax jubilee, a year-long sabbatical, first-world health care, an in- ground swimming pool, and a lifetime voucher for free sex in Vegas.
Seriously, how thick-headed do you have to be to believe anything the federal government and its unofficial mouthpiece, the “free” press, have to say? Here’s a simple rule that works ninety-nine percent of the time: whatever they say is close to the exact opposite of what they actually mean.
Try listening to the news with this rule in mind for a month and see if it doesn’t change your life. Maybe it will change your life for the worse, since it’s likely to induce a period of deep depression, but change is exactly what will happen.
You might come to understand that political correctness has nothing to do with fairness; it’s a weaponized psyop designed to induce people to let others do their thinking for them.
You might realize that patriotic duty is really unpatriotic doodie, defined as the fascistic bullshit our insane government tells us we must do.
Political correctness has nothing to do with fairness; it’s a weaponized psyop designed to induce people to let others do their thinking for them.
You might even finally grasp that “pedophile” is just another name for your average big-time politician.
And when the depression finally passes and your eyes finally see the country you live in for what it is, an open-air prison, you might finally be ready to enlist on the right side in the most important war any of us can ever fight: the War of Consciousness.
I’m sorry to break it to you, if that’s what I’m doing, but the human mind is the front line in the battle for the fate not just of America but the world. The psychopaths who pose as our leaders will do anything to keep the people ignorant, asleep, and controllable.
Consider the coordinated censorship of dissenting voices—a blatantly authoritarian move straight out of 1984 supported by our government—happening across Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and the like and appreciate how much power lies in truth for the bloodsuckers who control us to fear it so much. Hashtag that.
Given the state of things, I offer that it’s the moral and ethical responsibility of anyone who opposes this kind of oppression to serve, morally and ethically, so as to awaken and galvanize the people. Any other kind of so-called service is dirty work for the Deep State, noble motives for enlisting notwithstanding. You’ll probably lose a lot of friends and gain a lot of enemies by speaking up and acting out—but you’ll also save your soul.
Sadly, as for July 4th at the beach, most of the jingoists polluting (literally and figuratively) the island’s shores are hopeless cases. You can tell by their uncomprehending eyes they’re fanatics who couldn’t hear your message of truth if you used a megaphone.
They act as clueless as they look—toting everything but a portajohn and the kitchen sink to the beach and blasting Shania Twain at ear-crushing decibels for the Russians to hear while defiling the beautiful coastline with Budweiser cans, Marlboro butts, and Doritos wrappers.
To think that these are the people who are supposed to make America great again.
I sometimes feel that if we could avoid thereby sinking into a globalist totalitarian nightmare, aka Planet China, it would be a good idea for all the world’s countries to abandon Independence Days—which are textbook applications of the “divide-and-conquer” strategy used by our controllers against us—and create a worldwide holiday called Interdependence Day.
I sometimes feel that if we could avoid thereby sinking into a globalist totalitarian nightmare, aka Planet China, it would be a good idea for all the world’s countries to abandon Independence Days—which are textbook applications of the “divide-and-conquer” strategy used by our controllers against us—and create a worldwide holiday called Interdependence Day.
Such a holiday, truly a holy day and not a commercialized bastardization of spirituality like everything else, might actually give our species a fighting chance to survive—and maybe even someday thrive.
Copyright © Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.
So great! "When did tyranny become so fashionable?" 😂 Love the snarky exposé!