Hegelian Dialectic Explains Why Some People Always Get What They Want https://open.spotify.com/episode/6GdkINp7ispApXMhXcRxVn "Ever wonder why some people are so good at getting what they want? It’s because they have learned how to manipulate others into surrendering their power to them."

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πŸͺž Turn to the Mirror https://solluckman.substack.com/p/turn-to-the-mirror If You Can’t See What’s Going On, I Can’t See It for You

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πŸ˜‡ Introduction to the Multi-award-winning Satirical Lexicon, THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY https://solluckman.substack.com/p/introduction-to-the-multi-award-winning Banned in Heaven, Bestseller in Hell

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Even Siddhas get the blues sometime their face in a permanent frown until Panama Red gets back to town.

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