“For eons, every culture has had its own expression of this epic ‘Father/Son’ tale and the Fallen Goddess Mysteries are a big part of this. They explain the galactic origins of humanity, including the Aeon Archetypes of ‘Thelete’ and ‘Sophia’ that supposedly created our DNA blueprint out of the greater cosmic consciousness, how we’ve been regularly hybridised by any number of alien medicos (demons), and the ongoing saga that is the human experience searching for its long-lost soul. Sol Luckman’s multi award-winning book CALI THE DESTROYER (2022) offers a provocative and fictitious narrative of this very theme. It's a brilliant read.” —Denny Sheather, SPIRIT YOU REALITY: WHAT SEEMS & WHAT IS

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🙀 Open Your Eyes & Smell the Loosh: Awakening to the Dialectic of Control & Choosing Freedom https://solluckman.substack.com/p/open-your-eyes-and-smell-the-loosh The “Gnostic” question of how people are parasitized mentally is of utmost importance for anyone truly desiring to break free.

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🌲 An Epic Tale of Dystopia & Renewal in 34 Memorable Quotes That Will Leave You Wanting More https://solluckman.substack.com/p/an-epic-tale-of-dystopia-and-renewal Best friends? Check. Illegal lovers? Check. Mythological entities? Check.

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🎬 Chapter 1 of THE WORLD CULT & YOU (Documentary-style Audio-videobook) https://solluckman.substack.com/p/chapter-1-of-the-world-cult-and-you Following in the footsteps of the great American philosopher and iconoclast Henry David Thoreau, award-winning and international bestselling author Sol Luckman levels a scintillating and sweeping social critique in this masterful examination of our contemporary culture characterized by cults and cultishness at all levels.

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