The error is that we are trying to understand the mind through the mind, meaning we attempt to innerstand reality through words. Purpose of words is to divide reality. We have forgotten how to have a direct experience with reality, yet it is available. It is what actually heals trauma. That is to engage the world through the senses without commenting. It takes practice to do so. To experience the weight of the body against the chair, the sense the ground beneath your feet. Feel the wind, the sun directly against the face. This is the reality that reconnects us to the source without needing to think about it. Thinking is highly overrated. Our collective reality is far too dependent on "words," which is really a second hand experience, an illusory one at that. Yet, there is richness in washing dishes or walking on grass as simple as they are, this is the medicine.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

IMHO it's critical to differentiate between normal (fallen?) "human" (demiurgic?) language and sacred creational language giving rise (as functional code at the level of pure vowels) to this subsequently distorted "reality." With that as a caveat, I agree with your comment.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Sol Luckman

Yes, I do find sound frequencies of nature soothe and bring our fractured reality together and heal the divide within. Language has become increasingly polarizing. Pure vowels as in the some prayers and mantras do have definite healing powers. I realize MK Ultra is really neurolinguistic programming., through the media and entertainment.

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👍 👍 👍

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I read STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND 3 times before I moved on to other sci-fi.

It was a mind-blowing read for that day and age.

Well and truly said.

We create our own reality well if we are not leaving it up to stray thoughts.

One interesting point is a question I was asked the other day:

when will the poles next flip ? What year ? Can you see the future ?

My answer was: only if and when you want.

The future changes with every thought and whim of every mind on the planet.

Just pray the birds, fish, and trees

do not decide it is time to flip the poles

and we should be okay.

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Great and insightful perspective, my friend. Thanx for sharing your gnosis!

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