🛰 Chapter 14 (of 84) of the Serialization of the Audio-videobook of SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING https://solluckman.substack.com/p/chapter-14-of-84-of-the-serialization “Highly original fiction with more than a dash of the otherworld; well-developed characters, both male and female; excellent adventures; heartwarming conclusion and lots of wonderful ideas—what is there not to like? Highly recommended, a must-read.”—INDIE SHAMAN Magazine
🛰 Chapter 14 (of 84) of the Serialization of the Audio-videobook of SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING https://solluckman.substack.com/p/chapter-14-of-84-of-the-serialization “Highly original fiction with more than a dash of the otherworld; well-developed characters, both male and female; excellent adventures; heartwarming conclusion and lots of wonderful ideas—what is there not to like? Highly recommended, a must-read.”—INDIE SHAMAN Magazine