Sol Luckman
[SL: This article is excerpted from CONSCIOUS HEALING.]
One of many inspirational figures behind Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning and the Regenetics Method is Larry Dossey. The reader may be familiar with his bestselling book HEALING WORDS, an account of the therapeutic effects of prayer substantiated by numerous scientific studies performed at highly respected academic institutions such as Harvard and Stanford. In REINVENTING MEDICINE: BEYOND MIND-BODY TO A NEW ERA OF HEALING, Dr. Dossey reiterates:
Many studies reveal that healing can be achieved at a distance by directing loving and compassionate thoughts, intentions, and prayers to others, who may even be unaware these efforts are being extended to them. These findings reveal the ability of some part of our mind or consciousness to escape its confinement to the brain and body and to act anywhere, regardless of distance.
An important point emerges from this groundbreaking consciousness research: there appears to be no single “correct” type of prayer. “These studies clearly show that healing intention is a general term,” Dossey emphasizes. “It can be secular or religious; it may or may not involve prayer.”
Christians praying to their God for healing, for example, were no more or less successful than Muslims or Jews praying to theirs. So statistically eye-opening were these studies many hospitals now offer nondenominational prayer for patients undergoing life-threatening surgeries. Survival rate and recovery speed are enhanced beyond any doubt by these noninvasive intercessions that have the added merit of being cost-effective.
Since the publication of HEALING WORDS, a variety of additional studies on prayer and healing have been performed, including an impressive double-blind analysis performed at UCSF-California Pacific Medical Center that showed positive effects of prayer on patients with advanced AIDS.
Other research on the healing power of prayer suggests that a major determining factor of success or failure is the level of nonattachment of the pray-er. Between 1975 and 1993, the Spindrift Foundation performed hundreds of thousands of tests to assess the effectiveness of directed prayer (i.e., focused on a specific outcome) versus non-directed prayer (in which only what is best for the person is requested). Both directed and non-directed prayer worked better for the control group for whom no prayers were known to be said, but non-directed prayer showed a significantly higher success rate than directed prayer.
In THE ISAIAH EFFECT: DECODING THE LOST SCIENCE OF PRAYER AND PROPHECY, bestselling author Gregg Braden takes the practical applications of prayer a step further. Basing his claims on his reading of one of the Dead Sea Scrolls known as the Isaiah Scroll, Braden describes how the Essenes from the time of Christ employed a type of prayer designed to affect, and effect, quantum outcomes by literally changing the pray-er’s picture of reality. This form of “active prayer,” to which I will return in Part II, is a method of focusing intention that validates whatever one is praying for as already having been granted.
“Rather than creating or imposing change upon our world,” theorizes Braden, “perhaps it is our ability to change our focus that was the ancient key suggested by the masters of passive change in history” such as Buddha, Gandhi, and Jesus. “Quantum physics suggests that by redirecting our focus—where we place our attention—we bring a new course of events into focus while at the same time releasing an existing course of events that may no longer serve us.” Author John English, whose novel THE SHIFT: AN AWAKENING won the Coalition of Visionary Resources Book of the Year Award in 2004, speaks in similarly compelling terms about the powerful human ability to “dream a new world into being.”
In REINVENTING MEDICINE, Dossey, the former chief of staff at a major Dallas hospital, examines allopathic approaches to healing in light of the principle of “nonlocality” often discussed in relation to quantum physics. Putting modern medicine in quantum perspective, Dossey admits that we “are facing a ‘constitutional crisis’ in medicine—a crisis over our own constitution, the nature of our mind and its relationship to our physical body.”
To help explain this “constitutional crisis,” and to assist humanity in transitioning beyond it, Dossey outlines three eras in the history of Western medicine. While these eras are by no means mutually exclusive, each has a dominant, defining focus.
The first era began in the 17th century with Cartesian thinking and was characterized by a mechanistic view of the body. Era I medicine looks at the human body more or less as a machine that can be manipulated. In this rather primitive medical model, there is no place for mind or consciousness—and certainly none for “soul” or “spirit.” Surgery and vaccines are both applications of Era I medicine.
In the 19th Century, according to Dossey, Era I gave way to Era II with the acknowledgement of the so-called placebo effect. Era II saw the birth of psychoanalysis and psychiatry and is characterized by mind-body approaches to healing.
Era II medicine is based on the observation that your mind and body are connected intimately such that your consciousness can remedy your physiology in provable ways. This is the “power of positive thinking,” as Norman Vincent Peale phrased it. Era II techniques continue to play an important role in today’s medical paradigm.
As a global culture, we now are in the process of greatly expanding that paradigm with what Dossey refers to as Era III medicine, also called “nonlocal.” The hallmark of Era III medicine is the “nonlocalized mind,” meaning the universal Mind that also has been called unity, Christ, Buddhic and even God consciousness. Physicists sometimes conceptualize nonlocalized mind as the “Unified Field,” psychologists often refer to it (following Carl Jung) as the “Ground of Being,” while many spiritualists speak of “Source,” to borrow a term popularized by famed psychic and healer Edgar Cayce in his remarkable readings.
The term nonlocal is particularly relevant to this discussion because of its derivation from science. Physicist David Bohm, one of the founders of the holographic model of reality, has used the phrase “quantum potential” to refer to the nonlocal point in space where space ceases to exist and two electrons, for instance, can occupy the same coordinates. Nonlocalized mind has been described in various ways, but simply put, it is the Supreme Consciousness of which we are all facets—regardless of whether we choose to acknowledge our interconnectedness.
The fundamental notion behind Era III medicine, very evident in the writings of Braden and English, is that the human mind can operate outside the confines of the physical body and positively impact other people, animals, and even the environment.
Some may be conditioned to believe this is impossible. Others may be aware of such studies as Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) that present solid, empirical evidence of the ability of human consciousness to change physical reality, including the mind’s capacity to affect the outcome of random-number generators and alter the rate of radiation emissions as measured by a Geiger counter.
I offer this first-person narrative of the development of Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning to members of both these groups and all others willing to open their minds and hearts to the essential truths that underwrite the Regenetics Method—truths that can be applied productively in many areas (personal and professional) besides DNA activation.
In the following pages, I will focus my observations primarily on the positive impact of nonlocalized mind on human beings, but the majority of the concepts I introduce easily should be understood as applying to the world at large.
Copyright © Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.
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A confessed beachaholic and obsessive cultural creative, Sol Luckman has thumbed his nose at mainstream values and society ever since he can remember.
Preferring hard play over a so-called honest day’s work, these days in the New Abnormal he spends his time on a new small island mostly bodysurfing, painting, and writing—not necessarily in that order and usually not all at once.
How while on permanent vacation he became a multi-award-winning and international bestselling author and prolific professional artist is anyone’s guess.
Possessed of a wonderful family, he eschews dogs and admits to his own rejection issues where certain other domestic animals are concerned.
Visit his official website at
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